Why Am I Just Now Seeking To Discover Richmond?
I’ve found myself confronting an odd personal dichotomy: I frequently, almost obsessively and exclusively, travel outside the borders of the United States whenever I can. I can tell you how to get, step by step, from Richmond to a small town in Northern Thailand using mostly public transportation. YET…… I doubt that I could navigate a visiting guest from my house to anywhere not located within Richmond City...
About DiscoverRVA365 And My Mission
DiscoverRVA365 is first and foremost a personal challenge to break out of the daily routine and patterns that many of us find ourselves stuck in from time to time. It’s easy to stick with the same activities, same groups of people, same bars and restaurants. There is contentment in the routine. I enjoy the embrace of comfortable surroundings but I’m also a person who enjoys the unknown. However, I struggle with placing...